A ccept your child unconditionally,
B elieve in your child's ability.
C ommunicate with your child. Use words and actions to build bridges, not walls.
D iscipline yourself to make a positive from a negative situation.
E njoy your child.
F ind encouragement in musical development of other children.
G ive your child responsibility which can be handled.
H elp your child with words of encouragement.
I solate tasks to be accomplished in practice. Help your child do one thing at a time and do it well.
J oin your child in having fun.
K eep from over-identifying with your child.
L isten to music daily!
M odel the behaviour you want to see in your child.
N ever underestimate your child's potential.
O bserve the way your child learns and provide help when needed.
P ractice with a thankful spirit, appreciating your opportunity to learn with your child
Q uestion your child. Draw him/her into personal involvement in practice
R ecognize and seize the opportunities for your child to be inspired to grow and develop further.
S hare frustrations and successes with other parents.
T ake your child to concerts frequently.
U nderstand that learning isn't always easy. We learn from mistakes too.
W rite lesson notes so that you and your child can work together at home to accomplish goals set by the teacher for that week.
X is often an unknown quantity. What else would you like to add to this list?
Z ip it all up with LOVE. Love gives zest to life and to our music-making.