There are branches of Talent Education throughout Japan. Any child can enter without any test, because our principle is based on the premise that talent is not inborn but that every child acquires ability through experience and repetition. For the sake of our children let us educate them from the cradle to have a noble mind, a high sense of values and splendid ability. At our institute we use violin playing to develop these qualities.
All teachers of our Talent Education branches follow this course. Together with parents they spare no effort in guiding children to become noble human beings.
At one branch there was a six-year-old girl who had suffered from infantile paralysis. She was not able to control the right side of her body. When playing "Twinkle, twinkle, little star," just as she got to the last two notes of the first phrase, her right arm and hand would involuntarily give a violent twitch so that the bow flew out of her hand.
Mr. Yego, the teacher was very distressed. He asked me for advise. I simply gave the following answer: "Both teacher and parents should accept the fact and keep on." The teacher patiently went on with lessons, and every day the mother picked up the bow innumerable times. It must have been very hard for her. But the great love and persistent endeavour of both mother and teacher won. The time came when the child was finally able to hold the bow throughout the entire piece.
Don't rush, but don't rest. Patience is an important faculty for achievement.
Ability is one thing we have to produce (or work for) ourselves. That means to repeat and repeat until a matter becomes a part of ourselves. But to have this energy -- there lies the problem. There are many people who resolve, "I will achieve this, or that." Anyone can easily say that, but not all carry out their intentions. They start maybe, but don't really go on and don't put enough strength into their efforts, leaving things half done. There are only a few who go through with their purpose and accomplish things. Whatever work it may be, the way to success is to stick to one's intentions to the very last. Everyone can do it; it depends only on one's will.